GOTHAM Recasts Poison Ivy Again They've Replaced Maggie Geha with Peyton List — GeekTyrant

GOTHAM Recasts Poison Ivy Again They've Replaced Maggie Geha with Peyton List

It's happened again! Gotham has replaced Poison Ivy with another actress. This is the second time this has been done on the show with the same role. 

It was announced that Peyton List, who recently played a super-villain on The Flash, will be playing the role of Poison Ivy for the new season replacing the current Poison Ivy, Maggie Geha. I along with many people are confused by this choice.

According to Fox, the girl who would become Poison Ivy, Ivy Pepper, got into another potion and aged up some more. Apparently, Maggie Geha was only supposed to be 19, and now the potion will turn Maggie into Peyton List, who is an adult. It is supposed to be part of Poison Ivy's character arc as she is now more womanly and, I don't know, evil? Some people are all for this. I don't know any of those people, but statistically, I'm sure they exist. If someone is just aging from a teenager to an adult, why do they look like a completely different person? What der hell?

It's just something that happens. I feel for Maggie Geha, but will reserve my judgement until I see Peyton List's performance. Also, if you search for more images of Peyton List to like get an idea, make sure you get the right one. There is a teenage Peyton List from the Disney Channel, who, I promise you, is not the Peyton List you're looking for.

Source: TV Line

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