Grab BioWare RPG Comics from Dark Horse with Humble — GeekTyrant

Grab BioWare RPG Comics from Dark Horse Thanks to Humble Bundle

When you mention BioWare to me, I think of three different franchises: Knights of the Old Republic, Mass Effect, and Dragon Age. The latter two saw additional content released by Dark Horse in comic format and now you can grab those comics on the cheap. The Dragon Age and Mass Effect Comics by Dark Horse (affiliate link) bundle offers 18 volumes of comics for as little as $18 courtesy of Humble Bundle. The entire bundle is valued at $189, so that’s pretty good savings. In addition, each purchase will support Child’s Play Charity, “an organization devoted to improving the lives of children and teen patients by delivering therapeutic games and technology directly to pediatric hospitals, funded through direct endowments by the gaming community.” It’s worth noting that this is for digital copies that will be in PDF, CBZ, and/or ePUB formats.

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