Guillermo del Toro Isn't Committed to JUSTICE LEAGUE DARK — GeekTyrant

Guillermo del Toro Isn't Committed to JUSTICE LEAGUE DARK

One of the DC Comics films that I would love to see happen most is Guillermo del Toro's Justice League Dark, but who knows if it's actually going to happen? It doesn't seem like it's going to be included with the DC universe that Warner Bros. plans on building. 

IGN recently talked to the director at a press event for The Strain, and he offered a brief update on where the film project currently stands. This is what he had to say:

"We turned in our [script] revision, and it all depends on the calendar, you know? If I can do it, I would love to do it. And I think the screenplay and the characters are very solid."

So basically if Del Toro doesn't have the time to do it when the studio is ready, then he might have to pass on it. I thought for sure that Del Toro would be the one to direct this movie, but it sounds like he's having his doubts. He says that if he doesn't do it, then somebody else will, and he went on to explain why it's not easy to commit to direct it: 

"You cannot say, ‘Yeah, I’ll do it after I do this,’ or ‘I have the first season of The Strain. [Justice League Dark] needs to fall into the plan of the DC Universe."

Justice League Dark isn't on Warner Bros. and DC's list of officially planned films. But hopefully one day it will be and hopefully Del Toro will be available to direct it. If it does happen, it sounds like DC will have to find a way for it to connect with the universe their building.

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