Guillermo del Toro Shares Some Details on His Unmade JUSTICE LEAGUE DARK Film Project — GeekTyrant

Guillermo del Toro Shares Some Details on His Unmade JUSTICE LEAGUE DARK Film Project

As you know, several years ago director Guillermo del Toro was set to direct a Justice League Dark movie for Warner Bros. and DC. He developed a script for it, turned it in to the studio and then the project fell apart and the filmmaker moved on to the next things.

Fans were super excited to see what Del Toro would bring to the film because it’s the one comic book property that was a perfect film for the director. Not a lot of information has been shared for the film, but it would have involved characters like Constantine, Jason Blood, Zatanna, Swamp, Deadman, and more fighting against supernatural forces.

In a recent interview with Josh Horowitz's Happy Sad Confused podcast, Del Toro offered up some additional information on his unmade Justice League Dark project, saying:

"I took a little bit of the opening of the Alan Moore Constantine. And I took the dynamics between [Abby Arcane] and Swamp Thing, and I took the sort of revelatory moments when Deadman gets into a body, how he would experience the consciousness of that being. And one of my all time favorites is the demon Etrigan. I love that character. You know, so you try to put them together ... Zatanna is really, for me, another character that is really effortlessly powerful and interesting. Trying to mix that with Klarion the Witch Boy ... I was a DC guy."

You can still sense the passion that Del Toro has for the project and it’s a shame that Warner Bros. didn’t want to move forward with it at the time. The project is now being developed as a film and TV series by J.J. Abrams and his Bad Robot production company. I’d much rather see Del Toro’s vision brought to life, though. Unfortunately, that’s not going to happen.

You can watch Del Toro talk about the film project below.

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