Has The True Role of Sigourney Weaver's Villain in THE DEFENDERS Been Revealed? — GeekTyrant

Has The True Role of Sigourney Weaver's Villain in THE DEFENDERS Been Revealed?

Some interesting new information has come to light regarding the villain that Sigourney Weaver plays in Marvel's The Defenders. We've already learned that her name is Alexandra and that she is a business woman involved with some sketchy stuff. She also has a connection to all four of the heroes and wants them dead. There's still going to be a major reveal of who she REALLY is, though. Before I go any further....

There's also been talk among fans that she could be involved with The Hand, which now seems to have been confirmed. During an interview with International Business Times, The Defenders costume designer Stephanie Maslansky seems to confirm Alexandra commands The Hand. She says:

“I think that she’s clearly a baddie, and she’s the head of an ancient organization which is grounded in the comics. I hope that her wardrobe reflects that kind of ancientness. I hope I haven’t said too much. I hope Marvel doesn’t come after me.”

You can easily see how that confirms her involvement with The Hand, and now Marvel will be coming after her. But, I think there may even be more to it than that. What if this Alexandra character is actually a human vessel for The Beast, who was seemingly teased in a promo that featured the resurrection of Electra. 

The Beast is a demon whose origin in unknown, but its history is tied to The Hand. Many of the Hand's mystical powers, such as resurrection, supposedly come from the Beast. It seems like a character that Marvel would want to play with, especially with the involvement of The Hand. 

I don't think The Beast has ever had a human form before, but it seems like the kind of thing that Marvel might do to lead up to a big reveal. This is just speculation on my part, but it wouldn't surprise me if she did turn out to be The Beast. 

What do you all think?

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