Here's Our First Awesome Look at Brainiac in The KRYPTON Series — GeekTyrant

Here's Our First Awesome Look at Brainiac in The KRYPTON Series

This is our first look at Brainiac in the upcoming Krypton series and he freakin' looks awesome! We've seen a few different versions of the character over the years in other DC TV series, but this is easily the best version of him yet. They really did a great job sticking with the comic book design of the character. 

Brainiac is being played by British actor Blake Ritson in the Syfy series and in an interview with USA Today, he offers some insight on the series saying that it's "something of a blank canvas that has allowed a lot of freedom for the writers to world-build. This is a major expansion of the Superman universe and mythology and the civilization that fostered the greatest hero that ever lived."

He went on to talk about the version of Brainiac in the series, saying:

"He traverses the universe in a gigantic skull ship, ripping cities out of planets, miniaturizing them and placing them on board. But he does so in the spirit of conservation. In his mind, he's committed to the ultimate philanthropic act: saving all of creation. In many ways it's analogous to Noah plucking out two of every animal to ensure their survival, even while knowing that others must perish." 

It's good to see that every aspect of this character is being heavily influenced by the comic and that they aren't trying to reinvent him for the series. 

What do you think about this first look at Brainiac? Do you like how they are handling in the series?

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