Hugh Jackman Says Jerry Seinfeld Convinced Him to Stop Playing Wolverine — GeekTyrant

Hugh Jackman Says Jerry Seinfeld Convinced Him to Stop Playing Wolverine

While Hugh Jackman was wrestling with the decision of whether to continue playing Wolverine for awhile, he says it was comedian Jerry Seinfeld who convinced him to hang it up after Logan! The actor recalls talking to Seinfeld two years ago about why he decided to end Seinfeld after so many seasons on top, and said Seinfeld responded with the following:

"Look, when you're creating something it's very important not to run yourself dry. It's not about finishing on top necessarily, but making sure you creatively got something left, which propels you into whatever is next. "

Weirdly enough, we covered this story two years ago when he told that same story on Michael and Kelly, and the story has changed in the two years he's been telling it! For example, Jackman says in the first interview that finishing on top is important, but then says it's not important in his telling to Fallon. Hugh also tells Michael and Kelly that he decided right in front of Seinfeld that he was quitting the role but then tells Fallon it was later at home with his wife. I'm not calling Jackman a liar or anything, but it's interesting to watch him tell the story two different ways and having two very different impacts based on how they're told. Obviously, the one from a couple years back was closer to the event, but it feels as though Seinfeld's mantra has resonated with Jackman enough that his new telling is blended with some of his own feelings as well. It would appear that Jackman is very excited about taking that "next creative step." 

For Jerry Seinfeld, that next creative step was The Bee Movie, so maybe Hugh can shoot a bit higher than that! I'm sure we're all waiting to see what the actor's next move will be after this, as we rarely see what an actor does after nearly two decades of dedication to a character! Side note, Jimmy Fallon does an awesome Jerry Seinfeld impresssion that I did not at all see coming! See all of that in the clip (via Comicbook) from the interview below. 

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