Impressive Fan-Made Animated TERMINATOR Short Film TERMINATOR: HUNTER KILLER — GeekTyrant

Impressive Fan-Made Animated TERMINATOR Short Film TERMINATOR: HUNTER KILLER


I’ve got a pretty cool Terminator fan-made CG animated short film for you to check out! It’s titled Terminator: Hunter Killer and it’s a proof-of-concept short created by Jamie Martin, and it’s set in the future war of the Terminator-movie universe, as the humans struggle to survive in the post-apocalyptic wasteland following 'Judgment Day'.

The short turned out great and while I don’t think anything will come of it, it makes me want to see an animated Terminator series get produced! I dig the style of the short, the fact that the story set in the war zone, and the all-around tone of the short.

Check out the short film below and let us know what you think.

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