IT Director Andy Muschetti Will Make The IT Sequel Before He Tackles ROBOTECH
Next week the first part of director Andy Muschetti's feature film adaptation of Stephen King's It hit theaters. I haven't even seen the movie yet, but I'm already looking forward to the sequel! Especially after all the great reviews that I've been reading. It'd be stupid to just tell half a story!
Well, Muschetti revealed in an interview with Bad Taste that his next film will be the sequel to It. You see, Muschetti is also attached to direct the live-action adaptation of Robotech, so no one was sure if he would do that first or jump right back into the terrifying world of It. Here is the exchange in conversation during the interview:
Bad Taste: "So will you run Robotech before the IT sequel?"
A. Muschietti: "No, IT 2 is my priority. I would run Robotech, in case later. Bad Taste: And do you have higher budget for this sequel? A. Muschietti: Well … clearly I hope so!”
That's a really rough translation, but you get what he's saying. It's really not that surprising that he would be wanting to jump right back into the sequel to It because he needs to make it before the kids get too old! Even though the movie will focus on the adult versions of the characters, there are still flashbacks of the kids. When previously talking about the sequel Muschetti said:
”I always insisted that if there is a second part, there would be a dialogue between the two timelines, and that it would be approached like the adult life of the losers, there would be flashbacks that sort of illuminate events that are not told in the first one."
The director has not shot any of these flashback scenes, so he's "praying that the kids don’t grow up!” It was also revealed that the sequel might dive into the history of the town of Derry more. Specifically The Black Spot, which is a deadly fire that broke out at an African American barracks in Derry. There's a good chance that the sequel might open up with that story.
Anyway, it's great that it sounds like Warner Bros. is actually going to push the sequel forward!
Source: ScreenRant