James Gunn Can't Wait To See Another Filmmaker Make a New GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY Movie — GeekTyrant

James Gunn Can't Wait To See Another Filmmaker Make a New GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY Movie

Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 brought an end to the story that James Gunn set out to tell with these wonderful characters. It was a beautifully awesome finale, but we all know that Marvel Studios isn’t finished with some of the members of the Guardians team. I imagine that one day we will see Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 4, and this is something that Gunn is actually excited about seeing at some point down the line.

Yeah, you might think that Gunn would be a little protective of these characters, but he’s not. He got to tell the full story that that he wanted to tell, and now he’s looking forward to seeing what another filmmaker will do it. During an interview with the New York Times, he said:

“Whatever Marvel does with those characters, I can’t wait. I hope they use them. I can’t wait to see another filmmaker take on the Guardians, and I hope that they do it in a way that they take ownership of the characters. But I feel good, I feel happy.”

However, there are some characters that you won’t see again unless they are recast. Both Zoe Saldana and Dave Bautista have made it clear that they’re done and moving on from the character Gamora and Drax. Gunn talked about this, saying:

“Both Zoe [Saldaña] and Dave [Bautista] have been very clear they’re not going to continue — likewise, me, actually. Chris [Pratt] is open to doing more stuff, although I think he has to be convinced. It does change some things: Like, I wouldn’t have had Dave in the post-credits scene. But I’m not sure if much would have changed beyond that.”

He went on to talk about Peter Quill’s story arc, the one he wanted to tell that he completed, saying:

“The arc with Peter Quill, in some ways, you can look at as that of many people who have experienced childhood trauma. He was by his mother’s bedside when she died, and he ran away and went into outer space—which, for other people, could be shutting off from the world—and stayed there for a long time until he came to the realization as an adult that he needed to go back to Earth. That, for me, was always his journey.”

The final tag at the end of Guardians Vol. 3 said that Star-Lord will return, but there’s no doubt it’s going to be a long time before we see that happen. Are you excited about the future of the Guardians of the Galaxy franchise? Is there a filmmaker out there that you’d like to see take it on?

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