James Gunn Confirms the New GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY Team Was Chosen by Him, Not Marvel — GeekTyrant

James Gunn Confirms the New GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY Team Was Chosen by Him, Not Marvel

The Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 brought an end to the story arc that director James Gunn wanted to tell, but it also set up a future for a new team of Guardians in the MCU. If you haven’t seen the movie yet and you don’t want to know who makes up the new team, stop reading!

The new updated team consists of Rocket, Groot, Kraglin, Adam Warlock, Cosmo, and Phyla, who was one of the High Evolutionary’s test subjects. We got to see them in action at the end of the movie.

Gunn was recently asked if he got to choose the new team or if it was Marvel Studios, and Gunn confirmed that it was him. It’s not really surprising to learn as Gunn has continued to say that Marvel let him make the movie he wanted and that they didn’t really interfere with his choices or force anything on him.

I have no idea what the future holds for the Guardians of the Galaxy franchise, but good luck to Marvel and whoever they hire to work on any future installments. I’m just not convinced that anyone will be able to reach the bar in storytelling quality that Gunn set.

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