Jessica Henwick Says "Fans Will Freak Out" for THE DEFENDERS and Teases Colleen Wing's Role — GeekTyrant

Jessica Henwick Says "Fans Will Freak Out" for THE DEFENDERS and Teases Colleen Wing's Role

So far, I've enjoyed every Netflix Marvel Series, even Iron Fist. Could it have been better? Sure, but it was still cool. Possibly one of the best aspects of the series was Jessica Henwick who plays Colleen Wing. She recently talked about The Defenders in an interview with EW and starts to get to hype it up saying:

"It's good, it's really good. I think people are going to love seeing characters interact with each other, they're going to see Colleen and Misty, they're going to love seeing Luke Cage with the Iron Fist, Danny Rand. I think fans are going to freak out."

Pretty big words, but I believe her. Personally, I haven't felt betrayed by the Marvel Netflix series. She also had this to say about how Colleen will be starting out in the series:

"We pick up with Colleen not in New York - Which is crazy, as all the shows have been predominantly in New York. We find her a month after we left her. It's really interesting she hasn't been able to deal with the emotional trauma she dealt with in Iron Fist. So it build to a head and she explodes in Defenders."

This tells a lot while also asking some questions. If she's not in New York, where is she? Asia? We know that last we saw her was with Danny where Kun Lun was supposed to be, but of course wasn't. Is that the emotional trauma, or is she still dealing with being ex-hand. Or maybe almost seeing Danny die? Or watching her sensei disappear in the rain. So many things to ask. I think one of the things I look forward to really is seeing all these great characters interact with each other. I love the relationship of Danny and Luke in the comics, and I can't wait to see how it's handled in the series. I know a lot of people have given Finn Jones a hard time for the role, but if he can play well off of Mike Coulter, then I'll be happy.

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