John Carpenter Says He Stopped The New HALLOWEEN Film From Killing Off Dr. Loomis — GeekTyrant

John Carpenter Says He Stopped The New HALLOWEEN Film From Killing Off Dr. Loomis

John Carpenter recently revealed he didn’t contribute much to the story of the new Halloween film, although he did prevent director David Gordon Green and Danny McBride from killing off Dr. Loomis. Carpenter told Collider he told the duo that was a mistake, and that doing so might anger a lot of fans:

Originally they were going to have Donald Pleasence’s character get killed. And I thought, ‘That’s a mistake. The audience won’t like that. That’s a revision I don’t think we should do. So that was my one big contribution… I thought the fans are gonna get pissed off at that. I don’t think you have to even deal with the ending of my movie; just start the movie where they did. I think that [director Green] did great.

Actor Donald Pleasence is the most prolific actor in the Halloween franchise next to Jamie Lee Curtis, which is why Carpenter was hesitant to sign off on Green and McBride having him killed off. Pleasence died in 1995 before reshoots could be completed on Halloween: The Curse of Michael Myers, which resulted in his off-screen death and a disappointing end to the character.

I’m not sure I would’ve been so upset to see Dr. Loomis die in the Halloween sequel, what are your thoughts on this? Do you think the character is as beloved as John Carpenter thinks?

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