Jon Bernthal on Playing Punisher in DAREDEVIL Season 2 — GeekTyrant

Jon Bernthal on Playing Punisher in DAREDEVIL Season 2

Marvel surprised fans everywhere when they officially announced that Jon Bernthal will be taking on the role of The Punisher in Daredevil season two. This is perfect casting for the role, and I couldn't be more excited to see what Bernthal brings to the character that will make it his own.

While talking to ABC News, Bernthal briefly talked about the opportunity he has to take on such a badass character. This is the first time he has talked about this since the big news hit!

"Oh man, it’s just a huge honor to play the part and that’s all I can say about that. I’m very thrilled and we haven’t started yet, but I’m very much looking forward to it."

As you know, Frank Castle is a very "R" rated character in the Marvel comics, so it's going to be very interesting to see how they handle him in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. They did a great job with Daredevil, so I trust that they'll do some awesome things with Punisher that will make fans very happy.

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