Jon Bernthal Talks About Punisher and His Upcoming Spin-Off — GeekTyrant

Jon Bernthal Talks About Punisher and His Upcoming Spin-Off

After a stellar season of Daredevil, Jon Bernthal is ready to move onto the Punisher spin-off series. The actor spoke with Deadline about his time on the show and moving forward from there. Unfortunately, he doesn't know much about the spin-off series, other than it's happening and he's not the guy to ask about it:

"I’m tremendously excited about it. I look at it as a real joy and a real responsibility and a real honor to play Frank Castle. I feel like he’s in my bones now and he’s in my heart. I’m ready to keep going with him. As far as what this show’s going to be, and what it’s going to be about, and when it’s going to shoot, and where it’s going to shoot and all that, unfortunately I don’t know anything. It’s kind of part and parcel with the way that Marvel works. Information is definitely on a need to know basis. I am nervous, and I just want to do this character and this world justice."

I felt Bernthal did a tremendous job portraying Frank Castle. They made him an unlikeable asshole, but at the same time, made you invested in what he's doing. To achieve that type of character, Bernthal had to leave his wife and kids and experience that type of isolation from the world. It was something he deemed necessary to effectively play The Punisher:

For me to be at nightclubs and bars and restaurants and hanging out with my kids and just being a happy guy, and being on my phone, turning up on set, playing pretend, that’s not how I work and that’s not how I want to work. So shut off the other things, to shut off the comfort, and to shut off the escape and television and things like that, I think that that’s part of the job. It’s definitely how I worked on with Frank.

I'm glad he gets it. Can't wait to see when this new series actually is coming out!

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