Linda Cardellini and Julie Delpy Have Mystery Roles in AVENGERS: AGE OF ULTRON — GeekTyrant

Linda Cardellini and Julie Delpy Have Mystery Roles in AVENGERS: AGE OF ULTRON

Disney e-mailed me a "tip sheet" for the premiere of Avengers: Age of Ultron earlier this morning. It's basically a press release that lets entertainment media know who is going to show up and walk the red carpet for the premiere so they know who they'll be interviewing.  Since I'm going to be out of town during the Hollywood premiere later this month, I immediately sent it to the trash without even really glancing at it. These things never have any interesting information on them, especially when you're not even covering the event.

But it appears that I should have actually taken the time to look closer, because /Film pointed out that in the section of the tip sheet that announces which of the people from the actual movie are going to be there, two new names are listed: Linda Cardellini (Freaks and Geeks), and Julie Delpy (Before Midnight). There are also names like Paul Rudd, Chadwick Boseman, and other Marvel-related people who aren't in Age of Ultron, but Cardellini and Delpy are specifically listed among the cast members. Why is this the first time we're hearing about their involvement with this movie?

Well, it's probably because they aren't playing huge roles in it. Chances are we would have heard if either one of them was going to be someone worth getting excited about, so they'll probably have about two minutes of screen time shared between them — especially since this film is completely packed with characters already. Still, it's cool that Marvel has brought these ladies on in some capacity, since both are very, very talented. Cardellini starred on the cult classic Freaks and Geeks before moving on to ER and having prominent roles in Mad Men and Netflix's Bloodline. Delpy, a writer/director in addition to being an actress, is best known for Richard Linklater's Before trilogy (Sunrise/Sunset/Midnight) and directing 2 Days in Paris and 2 Days in New York, among other things.

We're very curious as to what they'll be doing in Avengers: Age of Ultron, and if they'll appear in any future Marvel projects in the wake of what's sure to be one of the biggest films of the year. Any guesses as to which characters they might be playing?

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