Listen to the First Single from the JUPITER'S LEGACY Soundtrack Now — GeekTyrant

Listen to the First Single from the JUPITER'S LEGACY Soundtrack Now

Jupiter’s Legacy is set to premiere on Netflix on May 7. The series is based on the graphic novels by Mark Millar and Frank Quitely based on the transition of power between the first generation of superheroes and the next generation. It looks really cool, but also, the music is something look out for as well. Stephanie Economou composed the score for the series and you can listen to the lead single “Union of Justice” now wherever you listen to music. Mixed into the score are choral-style vocals featuring lyrics from the original comics translated into Latin! That’s pretty awesome. Talking about the soundtrack, Economou said:

This first season of Jupiter’s Legacy offers staggering diversity in style, scale, emotion and time period, so I set out to create a musical landscape through which the score could expand and contract; kind of like a kaleidoscope. This afforded me the opportunity to explore varied stylistic sound worlds, from hybrid orchestral to industrial rock to contemporary electronic. At a critical moment in the season, I composed a large-scale choral piece using two of the main musical themes: the heroic ‘Union’ theme and what I call the ‘quest germ,’ which is a cyclical sequence of notes that emerges as our adventure unfolds (Track 28: Jupiter's Legacy). For the chorale, I decided to source the lyrics from the original comic series by Mark Millar and translated the text into Latin. In order to make this pinnacle moment feel purposeful and impactful, I chose to unwind the choral idea by recording small modules of detuned, experimental vocals with the masterfully innovative singer, Ari Mason. My objective was to have these fragmented vocal elements serve as a kind of musical breadcrumb trail, slowly and abstractly weaving itself into the fibers of the score, culminating in a grand declaration of our main Union theme with full choir at the climax.

The soundtrack for Jupiter’s Legacy is set to release on May 7 with the series wherever you like to buy music. Here’s the track list:

  1. Union of Justice

  2. The Utopian

  3. Chloe

  4. The Patterns

  5. Disembarking

  6. Traversing the Crevasse

  7. “Where to, Ulysses?”

  8. The Island

  9. Raikou

  10. The Overdose

  11. Grace Finds the Sketches

  12. Paragon and Iron Orchid

  13. Service, Compassion, Mercy

  14. Tree Symbols

  15. Through the Storm

  16. Morocco

  17. George’s Isolation

  18. The Hilltop Battle

  19. Everything Ends Up in a Box

  20. Miller’s Farm

  21. Crossing the Desert

  22. Being a Sampson

  23. Hutch

  24. Van Chase

  25. A New Leader

  26. Skyfox and Blackstar

  27. Illumination

  28. Jupiter’s Legacy

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