LOKI Voice Actress Tara Strong Teases There Is "Much More to Be Revealed" for the Character Miss Minutes — GeekTyrant

LOKI Voice Actress Tara Strong Teases There Is "Much More to Be Revealed" for the Character Miss Minutes

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A lot has been packed into the first episodes of the Disney+ series Loki, and of course we can expect a lot more in store. The story has centered on Loki (Tom Hiddleston) and Mobius (Owen Wilson) largely, and the background of the TVA, but according to voice actress Tara Strong, we can expect to see “much more revealed” when it comes to the character Miss Minutes, the Time Variance Authority’s animated mascot.

We first saw the character in the TVA’s Jurassic Park-inspired orientation video, which brought Loki up to speed on his current predicament, then again in episode two, when Miss Minutes took the form of a hologram that briefly interacted with Loki. Strong said in an interview with THR that while she can’t say much about Miss Minutes’ future, she can confirm that we haven’t seen the last of her.

“I can cryptically tease that you’ll see her again. There’s much more to be revealed, and it’s fun to watch that unfold. The beautiful thing about this character is you don’t really know who she is, where she’s from, what her origin story is, how sentient she is, if she has a horse in this race at all, and what her intentions are, if any. Like any good, exciting adventure, TV or film, you are left wondering that all the time. So she’s an intriguing character, and that will continue.”

Loki director Kate Herron said that Miss Minutes is about to go on an “interesting” journey. When asked what Strong could tease about Miss Minutes moving forward, she said:

When you see the first episode, you think perhaps that she’s just a recording on a screen, but in episode two, we see that she can become a holographic form and interact with Loki. He even responded to her and asked, “Are you a recording, or are you alive?” And we still don’t know. The beautiful thing about this character is you don’t really know who she is, where she’s from, what her origin story is, how sentient she is, if she has a horse in this race at all, and what her intentions are, if any.

So, in short, she can’t say anything new. But it does sound like Miss Minutes is deeper than we may have first thought. The studio probably wouldn’t have gone out of their way to make Miss Minutes her own character poster and Twitter page if she didn’t have more to her! Do you have any hunches about Miss Minutes’ backstory?

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