Looks Like A GOTHAM BY GASLIGHT Animated Feature Is Actually Happening — GeekTyrant

Looks Like A GOTHAM BY GASLIGHT Animated Feature Is Actually Happening

Rumors have swirled for awhile now regarding a potential Gotham By Gaslight animated feature for Batman, but it's all been rumors until this cover art for the Batman and Harley Quinn feature spilled the beans:

That seems pretty legit to me! For those unfamiliar with the title, Gotham By Gaslight is an Elseworlds tale in which Bruce Wayne lives in the late 1800s as Batman. The series has gotten a lot of love over the years from fans, but never much from DC. 

Hopefully, we'll hear some more confirmation regarding the news at San Diego Comic-Con here shortly. It's kind of wild to think DC is down for making a feature film for a story that's been viewed as non-canonical in the traditional Batman universe don't you think? Thanks to Dread Central for the heads up!

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