Marvel Releases New Promo For THE DEFENDERS That Teases The Resurrection of Elektra — GeekTyrant

Marvel Releases New Promo For THE DEFENDERS That Teases The Resurrection of Elektra

Marvel has released a new promo spot for The Defenders. It teases the return of Elodie Yung's Elektra as The Hand brings her back from the dead. You can bet that she's going to end up being a big problem for the superhero team. 

As you know, Elektra was killed in the finale of Daredevil, Season 2 and this promo shows the stone coffin she was buried in after The Hand took her body. It looks to me like maybe The Hand could be using the blood of The Beast to bring her back to life.

The Beast is a demon whose origin in unknown, but its history is tied to The Hand. Many of the Hand's mystical powers, such as resurrection, supposedly come from the Beast.

The Defenders is set to premiere on August 18th!

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