Marvel's INHUMANS Series Gets Torn Apart in First Review — GeekTyrant

Marvel's INHUMANS Series Gets Torn Apart in First Review

Update: Review removed at the request of ABC. The site that posted the review broke a review embargo.

The first review has surfaced for Marvel's upcoming Inhumans series, and it pretty much gets torn apart. The review comes from Spoiler TV, and the review pretty much confirms all our fears.

I really haven't liked anything I've seen from this series that has been released so far. I'm a huge Marvel fan and I've loved almost everything that they've done, but I'm extremely worried about Inhumans. 

[The review was removed at the request of AMC]

That's a shame to hear, but it's not like we didn't see this coming. Yeah, I'll give it a shot and give the first two or three episodes a shot to form my own opinion, but I'm definitely not paying the big bucks to see it in IMAX!

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