Matthew McConaughey Gets Wild and Crazy in The Red-Band Trailer For Harmony Korine's THE BEACH BUM — GeekTyrant

Matthew McConaughey Gets Wild and Crazy in The Red-Band Trailer For Harmony Korine's THE BEACH BUM

The first red-band trailer has been released for director Harmony Korine's latest film The Beach Bum, and it looks crazy! The film stars Matthew McConaughey as a rebellious and rogue stoner named Moondog, who lives life by his own rules. The movie also stars and very different looking Zac Efron as Flicker, who is just one of the many characters that Moondog meets on his wild journey. The film also stars Snoop DoggIsla FisherStefania LaVie OwenMartin Lawrence, and Jonah Hill.

If you're familiar with Korine's previous film work, then you know what you are getting yourselves into. Korine's previous work includes Gummo, Kids, Spring Breakers, and Trash Humpers. Watch the trailer and tell us what you think.

THE BEACH BUM Official Trailer (2018) Zac Efron, Matthew McConaughey, Harmony Korine Movie HD © 2018 - NEON Comedy, Kids, Family and Animated Film, Blockbuster, Action Cinema, Blockbuster, Scifi Movie or Fantasy film, Drama... We keep you in the know! Subscribe now to catch the best movie trailers 2017 and the latest official movie trailer, film clip, scene, review, interview.

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