Miles Teller Says He Would Return As Reed Richards For FANTASTIC FOUR Sequel — GeekTyrant

Miles Teller Says He Would Return As Reed Richards For FANTASTIC FOUR Sequel

Most celebrities avoid failed franchises like the plague when it comes to the talk of sequels. Miles Teller isn't like most celebrities. Speaking to JoBlo, the actor says he would return as Reed Richards for a Fantastic Four sequel:

"Yeah, for sure. I loved the cast, I loved the characters. I think it's such an interesting dynamic. I love how much they really need to rely on each other. This Avengers thing, they've kind of created their own Fantastic Four in a way, Marvel's first family. Their powers can't just exist on their own, you need Thor to do this, the Hulk to do his thing. So yeah, absolutely, I would do another one."

The film was panned critically and lead director Josh Trank on a frenzy, blaming everyone but himself for the film's poor reception. I guess Teller must have really enjoyed his screen time because he's not in a position where he has to take any role he can get! Hell, at the moment he appears to be one of Hollywood's largest rising stars!

While I have no desire to see another Fantastic Four movie like the reboot, I admire Teller for sticking with the character. But if I were Fox, I'd say it's best to let this film franchise die.

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