MONSTER HUNTER RISE Comes to PlayStation and Xbox Consoles Next Month — GeekTyrant

MONSTER HUNTER RISE Comes to PlayStation and Xbox Consoles Next Month

Capcom has announced that next month, the hit game Monster Hunter Rise will become available on PlayStation and Xbox consoles. Earlier this year, the game received its first expansion, Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak on Nintendo Switch and Steam and fnas have really been enjoying the game. Now, even more fans will be able to enjoy Kamura Village and the monsters around it as it comes to the more powerful consoles.

Now, PlayStation and Xbox gamers will be able to explore the world of Monster Hunter Rise and slay giant monsters. Fans will be familiar with equipping different armor and utilizing 14 different weapons styles as they hunt, but now you can use Wirebugs to traverse the land in new and exciting ways. You can also use Palamutes to help you as you hunt.

Monster Hunter Rise on the PS5 and Xbox Series X will offer fans to hit 60 frames per second in 4K resolution! There’s also 3D audio for Xbox Series X|S and PS5 gamers to help increase immersion. One aspect that PS5 fans should be excited for is that ranged weapons and shielded weapons will utilize the DualSense adaptive triggers which I’ve heard are incredible and a bit of a game changer.

Pre-orders are now open for Monster Hunter Rise through the Microsoft Store (affiliate link) for Xbox One and Xbox Series X|S and PlayStation Store for PS4 and PS5. The game will retail for $39.99 and release on January 20, 2023. Then, in Spring 2023, the Sunbreak expansion will be released on PlayStation and Xbox consoles.

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