Netflix Renews BOJACK HORSEMAN For Season 6 — GeekTyrant

Netflix Renews BOJACK HORSEMAN For Season 6

Netflix has officially announced that hit animated series BoJack Horseman will be getting a sixth season. I’m sure that will make fans of the series very happy.

This is such a great show! I jumped on to it late and am still in the process of catching up, but the seasons that I’ve watched so far have been so damn enjoyable! It’s set in such a weird world but it surprisingly deals with relatable issues.

The series was created by Raphael Bob-Waksberg and stars Will Arnett as BoJack, a failed legendary ‘90s sitcom star from the favorite family sitcom Horsin’ Around. He’s been trying to find his way through a muddle of self-loathing, whisky and failed relationships.

The series also stars Aaron Paul as BoJack’s human friend Todd andAmy Sedaris as his feline agent and ex-paramour Princess Carolyn.

Season five of BoJack Horseman premiered September 15th. Check out the tweet announcing the sixth season below and let us know what your thoughts on the show are!

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