New Photo From LUKE CAGE Season 2 Shows Cage Reuniting with Iron Fist
Oh, man! I know all you Iron Fist fans are going to love this! Are there any fans of Iron Fist (Finn Jones) out there?! He may be considered worst character in MCU by some fans, but it looks like we are going to see even more of him in Luke Cage Season 2. A new photo has been released from EW and it shows Cage (Mike Colter) and Danny Rand coming face to face for the first time since The Defenders.
Marvel hasn't released any details of Danny’s involvement with the series yet, but we know he'll at least show up once. These two characters have a really fun relationship in the comics, so I wonder if they are going to play more with that in Luke Cage Season 2. For all we know, this upcoming season could be a full-on Luke Cage and Iron Fist adventure! I mean, it would make sense if they did that. Not sure about how fans would feel about seeing more of Iron Fist, though. He's the character fans love to hate. Maybe Cage will teach him how to actually fight!
The previous image that was released featured Cage with Misty Knight sporting her new bionic arm. In case you missed that, you can check it out here.
Marvel’s Luke Cage returns in 2018 on Netflix. Would you like to see Iron Fist have a big role in Luke Cage?