New Photos and Plot Details For THE GOLDBERGS Freddy Krueger Halloween Episode — GeekTyrant

New Photos and Plot Details For THE GOLDBERGS Freddy Krueger Halloween Episode

We’ve got a bunch of new photos to share with you for the upcoming Halloween episode of The Goldbergs which features the return of  Robert Englund as Freddy Krueger. This could very well be the last time that we ever see Englund play this iconic role!

The episode will be called “Mister Knifey-Hands” and it will eb airing on Wednesday, October 24th. We also have a plot synopsis for the episode that you can read below:

“Despite Beverly’s wishes, Jackie’s parents allow Adam to watch A Nightmare on Elm Street and a disagreement between the families ensues. But Beverly dreams of facing off with horror icon Freddy Krueger (guest star Robert Englund), which teaches her an important lesson about her son’s relationship with Jackie. Meanwhile, Erica realizes she’s not as popular as she once was as she starts hanging out at William Penn Academy despite the fact she’s no longer a student there.”

This episode sounds like it’s going to be a blast and I can’t wait to watch it! I think it’s great that Beverly is going to be the character haunted by Freddy.

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