New TERMINATOR: DARK FATE Photos and Arnold Schwarzenegger and Linda Hamilton Discuss Returning To The Franchise — GeekTyrant

New TERMINATOR: DARK FATE Photos and Arnold Schwarzenegger and Linda Hamilton Discuss Returning To The Franchise

Like a lot of other Terminator fans, I have high hopes that James Cameron and Tim Miller’s Terminator: Dark Fate ends up being the awesome sequel that we’ve all been waiting for. I like what I’ve seen so far and today we have some additional insight on the film from Arnold Schwarzenegger and Linda Hamilton.

The fact that two actors will appear in a Terminator movie together after all these years is one of the most exciting aspects of the movie for me. The actors recent talked to Total Film about the movie and offered some additional insight on returning to play these roles.

As we’ve previously learned, it wasn’t easy to get Hamilton back in the role of Sarah Connor, but luckily she caved and jumped on board! In regards to that, she said:

“People have never stopped asking me if I was going to play her again and I was always like, ‘You mean the geriatric version? In a wheelchair?’”

Hamilton then went on to explain one of the reasons why she wanted to stay away from the character, saying:

“I look at Sarah as a broken woman living in Hell. That’s not someone you want to keep on playing. You don’t miss those roles. They cost you a bit, y’know?”

She also explained that she always felt like T2 was a perfect end to the story, but that her character might have more to say after 27 years, which is what eventually drew her in:

“I also felt that with all that life has brought me in the last 27 years that I might have more to say. It was about coming to terms with the fact that I’m not what I was, and realising that I’m so much more now.”

She then joked around about how her character should have returned, saying:

“We considered making her completely alcoholic. I thought that would have been fantastic. I was like, ‘What if she’s fat and then I don’t have to work out?’ Wouldn’t that surprise people?! But nobody went for that one. I just had visions of pastry…”

As you’ve seen, they ultimately ended up portraying her as a badass! As far as Arnold Schwarzenegger goes, there was no convincing him to come back to the franchise! Tim Miller explained, “Honestly, you can’t fucking keep Arnold Schwarzenegger away from a Terminator movie!”

During the interview, the actor was asked what he thought about all the other Terminator sequels being pushed aside like they didn’t exist as they moved forward with the franchise, and he responded:

“I really didn’t care about any of that. I didn’t look at it as a continuation of the second film because, to me, it’s a standalone thing. If someone has never seen Terminator, they’ll still enjoy this.”

Schwarzenegger goes on to talk about working with James Cameron again and how he’s a total control freak:

“The upside of having him there is that he’s very smart and he totally knows science fiction and action and storytelling. The bad side is that he’s too much of a control freak, y’know? He just sees it all as his way or nothing. But then, he’s not just anybody, he’s the top director in the world, so I don’t mind listening to him. Tim is… not as intense.”

When talking about what he did to prepare for playing a T-800 again, the actor said:

“I always spend a lot of time before I get on set with my wardrobe, practicing shooting on my ranch, so I’ve felt ready for the last month really. I like to take my costume home and hang out in it, too, doing everything in it for a month. When I come to the set I don’t want to waste anyone’s time.”

Hamilton then shared what it was like to reunite with Schwarzenegger and work on a new Terminator film after all these years. Remember, they haven’t worked together since T2!

“That took me by surprise. I don’t know if I can qualify it, but I know we’re both still standing and there was just a comradeship and a deep affection I felt this time. Half of our lives have passed since we last worked together… It feels nice to be back.”

Mackenzie Davis also stars in the film plays a human-machine hybrid character in the film who teams up with Sarah Connor to save a young woman played by Natalia Reyes who seems to be the key to the future. She is being hunted down by a crazy advanced new Terminator played by Gabriel Luna. They end up teaming up with a T-800 named Carl who is living in the woods.

Terminator: Dark Fate hits theaters on November 1st, 2019.

Via: GamesRadar

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