New Trailer For Marvel's INHUMANS Offers a Ton of New Footage, But is it Enough to Win You Over? — GeekTyrant

New Trailer For Marvel's INHUMANS Offers a Ton of New Footage, But is it Enough to Win You Over?

Ever since the first image was released for Marvel's upcoming ABC series Inhumans, the internet has been flooded with complaints from the fans. Even the majority of those that actually saw the first two episodes in IMAX didn't seem too impressed with the final product. 

It's looking like Inhumans could be Marvel's biggest dud, and I'd be very surprised if it actually ended up landing a second season. It just doesn't look like a lot of fans are going to give it a chance. For better or for worse, I will give it the same chance that I give most shows. If it doesn't grab me by episode three, I'm out. 

Today we have a new trailer for the series that offers us a ton of new footage. There's some interesting stuff shown in the trailer, but is it enough to win over anyone that isn't interested? Probably not, but watch the trailer anyway and tell us what you think!

"We are Inhumans. We are defined by change." The special premiere of Marvel's Inhumans is this Friday at 8|7c on ABC! Subscribe:

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