New Trailer For RESIDENT EVIL: DEATH ISLAND Teams Up Classic RESIDENT EVIL Characters — GeekTyrant

New Trailer For RESIDENT EVIL: DEATH ISLAND Teams Up Classic RESIDENT EVIL Characters

A new trailer has dropped for the upcoming animated film Resident Evil: Death Island. Directed by Eiichiro Hasumi, it will be a sequel to the less than well received Resident Evil: Vendetta. The new movie will team up a great cast of classic characters. Chris Redfield, Jill Valentine, Rebecca Chambers, Leon Kennedy, and Claire Redfield have their work cut out for them as they investigate an outbreak of zombies in San Francisco. The only connection between the infected is a trip to Alcatraz Island, but is this simply a trap to lure the group there? It certainly looks like it based on the trailer.

The animated films have been a little hit and miss, though certainly have a better track record than the live action films. I’ve only seen Degeneration, but I really enjoyed it for what it is and the others are on my to watch list. I would be lying if I didn’t say I’m not really excited for this movie. It’s no secret to people who know me that Claire is my favorite character, so any time I get to see her in something I get excited and I’m really happy to see her get to team up with Jill. The cast of characters should make for some great moments, they are all solidly good characters on their own and I certainly wouldn’t want to take them all on in a fight. The trailer looks like the animation may have gotten a little better, but not enough to fix some of the problems that have plagued past movies. 

Resident Evil: Death Island will be released on July 7 2023.

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