New Writer of Marvel's RUNAWAYS Comic Wants to Resurrect Classic Character — GeekTyrant

New Writer of Marvel's RUNAWAYS Comic Wants to Resurrect Classic Character

Comics love bringing people back to life. In some instances, it's whatever. Superman died. We knew he was gonna come back. Well, not at first. But now, anytime someone dies, we know. We Know. Death is no longer a sacred thing in the comic book universe. Even characters we once thought were holy grails that they should never bring back, have been brought back in some way. Gwen Stacy, Jean Grey, and  Gert from Runaways, who I would think was such an impactful death that maybe it was better she stayed dead. But she's coming back.

In a recent interview with Rainbow Rowell, the young adult author who will be writing the story for the new Runaways Comic series, she said she was excited to bring back Gert from the dead. And moreover, she was excited to keep her fat.

"My favorite comic is Runaways, and I would really love to bring it back. And I want to bring Gert back, and I want her to be fat. Still. Don't bring her back to life skinny! 'She lost a lot of weight in the afterlife.'"

While I don't disagree necessarily with having different body types in comic books, I find it odd that having someone come back to life skinny is CrAzY. Shouldn't the point of them coming back to life be the point? And in my mind, Gert was never necessarily fat. Chubby, sure. But she was a teenager going through puberty, and weight is a tough matter for a teenager. To make a point saying "oooh. I want this character to be fat" seems to be something that shouldn't matter unless it plays a huge part of the story. And if they are bringing Gert back just to have a huge diet storyline where she's on a quest to lose the weight she had before she died, I'm gonna be very disappointed. 

The other characters look interesting and fun and I think a lot of cool stuff could be done with a story like this. But having a team member die in the past, gives a lot more drama than having that character die, come back, and struggle with weight. All the great heroes have great losses. Batman has had them. Superman has had them. Spider-Man has had tons. It motivates them to do better. To be better. But what do I know? I'm still looking forward to seeing where the Runaways are in their lives and what they plan on doing now.

Via: CBR

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