World Champion Gunslinger Rates TV and Film Quick-Draw Scenes — GeekTyrant

World Champion Gunslinger Rates TV and Film Quick-Draw Scenes

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Who doesn’t love a good showdown? Meeting in the middle of town at high noon, standing, waiting to pull that gun and shoot. We’ve seen this in many movies, but quickdraw isn’t just for formal challenges. We’ve seen guns pulled and fired lightning fast in movies and TV shows for decades. But now, professional gunslinger Nicole Franks looks at these scenes on an Insider video and tells us what’s right, wrong, or just plain crazy. In 2019, she held more than 50 records with the World Fast Draw Association, so it is safe to say she knows guns and technics better than most people even in her field.

Franks looks at classics like The Good, The Bad, and the Ugly and Star Wars Episode V along with newer things like John Wick, The Mandalorian, and Django Unchained. It is amazing to see her breadth of knowledge and how she can easily pick out quality shots and terrible pitfalls. Let us know what is your favorite quick draw scene is in film and TV along in the comments below!

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