North America is Getting a DRAGON BALL Z Symphonic Tour
I think it’s cool that more games and anime are doing symphonic concerts around the world. The latest franchise to get one is Dragon Ball. According to CB, License Global magazine has revealed that a special symphony tour for Dragon Ball Z will be coming to North America later this year.
“This summer, we will partner with Overlook to host a ‘Dragon Ball Z’ symphony concert in the U.S. and Canada. The audience can listen to the symphony while clips from the show play, allowing fans to see the story on-screen with live music.”
Of course, I don’t often think about the music when I watch Dragon Ball, but I do hope they play the song when Goku goes Super Saiyan 3 for the first time. That song is incredible! The release window for the concerts is simply “Summer” at the moment but be sure to keep an ear open for when more concrete information comes forth. What songs do you hope they perform?