Original Voice Actors Support Reunion for JUSTICE LEAGUE UNLIMITED — GeekTyrant

Original Voice Actors Support Reunion for JUSTICE LEAGUE UNLIMITED

Justice League and Justice League Unlimited are two of the best DC animated shows to exist in my opinion. They were phenomenal and had a great cast. People love it so much that a petition was started to get Warner Bros. to bring it back. However, fans aren’t the only ones who want to see this happen. The voice of Wonder Woman, Susan Eisenberg, recently sent out a tweet to strengthen support for the reunion.

Eisenberg is asking fans to tweet @WBHomeENT with #JLReunion. Eisenberg isn’t the only member of the cast who wants in either. Andrea Romero has reportedly said that she will come out of retirement to direct it, Mark Hamill has tweeted that he would be down for reprising his role as Joker, Michael Rosenbaum has told ComicBook that he supports the reunion, and Kevin Conroy (the best Batman ever) has simply responded with:

There’s no telling if this will happen, but I hope it does. Even if it is just a movie instead of a series, I’d love to watch these heroes return and be voiced by these incredible people. As for what would happen, Eisenberg has told ComicBook what she wants to explore:

Well, selfishly, I’d love to explore the relationship between Bruce and Diana a bit more, and I know there are some wonderbat fans out there who feel the same way,” Eisenberg said. “But mostly, I would just love to see a story where The League is united in its fight of good vs. evil, with some romance and levity thrown in for good measure!

If you're a fan of the show, I hope you go and sign the petition. I'm normally not one for reboots or bringing old shows back, but I think this could work well.

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