Patrick Stewart & Hugh Jackman Could Team for WOLVERINE 3 — GeekTyrant

Patrick Stewart & Hugh Jackman Could Team for WOLVERINE 3

A few weeks ago, Sir Patrick Stewart mentioned that he and Sir Ian McKellen wouldn't be reprising their roles as Professor X and Magneto in Bryan Singer's upcoming X-Men: Apocalypse. But now it appears that his tune has changed a little bit.

Stewart spoke with Oregon Live (via ComingSoon) and said that while he won't be appearing in Apocalypse, McKellen's Magneto definitely will. And he also revealed that discussions have been had about a third Wolverine movie in which Professor X would appear alongside Hugh Jackman's Logan:

But Magneto, Ian McKellen, is certainly going to be in it. And what I'm very excited about is that we have been talking about a Wolverine movie, which would team Hugh Jackman and myself together. Wolverine and Professor Xavier. That would be a very different sort of "X-Men" from the four movies that I've already done.

That's an interesting reversal about McKellen's older Magneto appearing in Apocalypse, and thanks to the time travel events of Days of Future Past essentially resetting the X-Men's cinematic continuity, I suppose just about anything is possible in that franchise at this point. More fascinating to me, though, is the idea of Stewart and Jackman as main characters in a third Wolverine film. I didn't even bother seeing X-Men Origins: Wolverine, but Logan was secluded from his fellow X-Men in The Wolverine, and since Xavier has been such an important figure in his life, it makes sense that he'd be there in what many are assuming will be Hugh Jackman's last solo outing as Wolverine.

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