POKEMON Theme Song Performed Using Kazoos

I missed the Pokemon bandwagon by a couple of years, but I know it's something that's near and dear to many of your hearts. So you might enjoy this video (via GeeksAreSexy) of a guy who recreated the theme song using Kazoos (and what sounds like a few percussion noises with his mouth). Not bad!

Gotta kazoo 'em all. [EPILEPSY WARNING!!] ► Support me on Patreon! https://www.patreon.com/TsukoG ► Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/TsukoG ► Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/TsukoG ► Twitch: http://www.twitch.tv/TsukoG ► DOWNLOAD ON LOUDR: https://loudr.fm/release/kazood-vol-1/XFM8N Feel free to comment, share, and suggest me some video game music to kazoo via Twitter, Facebook or mail. I look at all of them.

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