Punisher May Be the Next War Machine in Marvel Comics — GeekTyrant

Punisher May Be the Next War Machine in Marvel Comics

There have been so many changes to comic book characters over the last few years. Jane Foster became Thor. Doctor Doom and Riri Williams became Iron Man. Sam Wilson became Captain America. It all has been leading to a new phase Marvel Comics is introducing called Marvel Legacy. Uniting the classic identities of characters with the new identities. Well, they've done it again, but in a very different way.

Although nothing in the comics has shown how or why, it seems the Punisher is going to become the new War Machine. To be honest, it's not too far of a stretch, but it's definitely a unique direction. The Punisher has always been a vigilante killer who just straight up murderizes people who do bad things. He has guns and a van, but no powers or anything else relatively super. To now give him a suit of technological armor, definitely makes him a much bigger threat. The previous War Machine was recently killed in Civil War II, so I'm sure he'll have no problems, unless he comes back to life, which, I mean, it's Marvel, so that could be very likely.

I think this new version of War Machine could be very interesting. I honestly love the idea of Marvel Legacy and have enjoyed seeing new takes on classic characters. I know a lot of people took issue with it, especially saying that Marvel is becoming too PC and trying too hard to please everyone by being diverse. But it gives us an ability to tell different stories. A black man who fights for civil rights on the streets becoming Captain America isn't the same as Steve Rogers as Captain America fighting for civil rights. And having a woman with cancer taking a role to become a Thor, who is very heavily influenced by masculinity, and have to fight those who oppose her including the previous person who had that role of Thor, who was her ex? That's way different than making Thor into a 90's ponytail wearing dude or horseman. 

War Machine has almost always been a symbol that works with the government, often in a military way. He was basically the soldier form of Iron Man. But now, War Machine could possibly be a vigilante who opposes the tenants of the law and government. I can't help but be a bit excited. I like seeing new people take on classic roles, and moreover, seeing those classic people meet the new people is going to be just as exciting.

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