Rage with the Spirit of a Platypus in DUNGEONS & DRAGONS with PATH OF THE PLATYPUS — GeekTyrant

Rage with the Spirit of a Platypus in DUNGEONS & DRAGONS with PATH OF THE PLATYPUS

The platypus has become a very popular animal. Whether it’s because it’s a semiaquatic mammal that looks like a meme or simply because Perry the Platypus is an amazing character from television, it’s just a fact. Why not let your Barbarian channel the power of a platypus in your game of Dungeons & Dragons. Gabriel Gro recently released the subclass Path of the Platypus for you to use. You’ll gain several abilities such as resistance to Poison damage, a Yoshi-like egg bomb, a flat tail when you rage and eventually, the ability to become a Giant Platypus. Sign me up!

Barbarians who follow the Path of the Platypus are truly a strange lot. While able to go toe-to-toe with other brutish Barbarians, they employ very unique tactics that make it quite obvious that they are, by nature, oddities among their friends. Perhaps your clan has worshiped and venerated the platypus as a totem spirit, or a representation of a holy warrior. Maybe you made a deal with a powerful being of an ancient forest, teaching you ways to protect the natural order. However you came to take on the Path of the Platypus, you have features and traits shared by all other Platypus Barbarians.

You can grab Path of the Platypus (affiliate link) now from DMs Guild for any price you deem fit although $0.75 is suggested.

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