Robert Englund Reprises His Freddy Krueger Role in THE GOLDBERGS Halloween Episode! — GeekTyrant

Robert Englund Reprises His Freddy Krueger Role in THE GOLDBERGS Halloween Episode!

I’ve got some radical news to share with all you fans of The Goldbergs! Robert Englund is reprising his role of Freddy Kruger from the classic A Nightmare on Elm Street horror franchise in the upcoming Halloween episode of The Goldbergs! They even released a little promo video featuring Freddy hanging out with Beverly that you can watch below!

There’s no word on how Freddy Krueger will factor into the story that the episode will tell, but it looks like he’ll have some fun terrorizing the Goldberg family! I love this show and I can’t wait to see how they utilize Freddy in this Halloween episode!

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