Rod Serling's Anthology Series NIGHT GALLERY Is Getting a Revival — GeekTyrant

Rod Serling's Anthology Series NIGHT GALLERY Is Getting a Revival

A few years after Rod Serling ended his run on The Twilight Zone, he launched another supernatural horror series called Night Gallery.

The series ran on NBC from 1969 to 1973 ,and Serling hosted the series. He would appear in an art gallery setting to introduce each segment of an episode by unveiling a painting that illustrated the story.

Like The Twilight Zone, Night Gallery influenced a lot of filmmakers and storytellers. Serling actually hand-picked a 21-year-old up and coming filmmaker named Steven Spielberg to direct an episode that he wrote called “Eyes” with Joan Crawford. That was Spielberg’s first professional directing gig.

Guillermo del Toro also talked about the influence that the series had on him saying that the episode “The Doll” scared him the most that he had ever been scared as a kid.

It was a great show that told some fantastic and creepy stories, and now the Syfy Channel is set to revive it with Teen Wolf creator and executive producer Jeff Davis and Midnight, Texas executive producer David Janollari.

Deadline says that the Night Gallery reboot “will update the series for the digital age. Featuring dark and twisted morality tales paired with Serling’s specific brand of irony, Night Gallery will explore and exploit every modern nightmare imaginable, mining our fears of the dangers of social media.”

Putting a focus on the horrors of social media is certainly an interesting direction to take it. I’m curious to see what those stories will entail.

What do you think about Night Gallery being revived with a focus on social media?

The Night Gallery TV Series Promo spot on the Encore Mystery Channel. Many more clips featuring Thrillers/Horror of the 1970's in Film & Television will be uploaded on my channel... SUBSCRIBE TO CHANNEL to see clips still to come

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