Rosario Dawson May Have Just Spoiled the Return of THE PUNISHER to the MCU — GeekTyrant

Rosario Dawson May Have Just Spoiled the Return of THE PUNISHER to the MCU

Fans have been stoked since the return of Charlie Cox’s Daredevil to the MCU. What started out as a Netflix Marvel series has now integrated back to the Marvel Universe as we know it with Cox’s Matt Murdoch becoming the lawyer to Peter Parker in Spider-Man: No Way Home and his villainous archenemy Kingpin returning in the Disney+ Hawkeye series.

But Daredevil wasn’t the only beloved Marvel series on Netflix that fans have hoped to see return. The Punisher was just as great a series, and we have been anticipating the great Jon Bernthal to be welcomed back to play him. While no official word has dropped yet, Rosario Dawson, who played Claire Temple across the Marvel Netflix series, appeared at a panel at C2E2 this weekend (via PopVerse), and she dropped what could possibly be a big reveal. 

"I found out yesterday that the Punisher was happening again, so I feel like it's my second chance," Dawson said during the event, referring to the fact that The Punisher was the only one of the Marvel shows she didn’t appear in.

So this isn’t official, but it sure sounds like she knows something we don’t! But if it is a misunderstanding, I hope the MCU heads take it as a sign that fans want Bernthal back as The Punisher! I know I certainly do.

When previously asked about the possibility of returning to the role while promoting the indie film Small Engine Repair, Bernthal told Screen Rant:

"You know, we'll see. I mean, honestly, I don't think about it very much. I'm really happy -- look, we're all enormously blessed to be doing this. I can say for the other guys that you're talking to as well, we really love this. We really love doing this. We work hard at it, we support our families by it, through it, but we never lose touch just how grateful we are to be in the position that we are that we get to do this for a living. I like to do this. I like to work with people I really respect and love and admire and make stuff with. This kind of project is precisely, it's exactly the kind of stuff I want to be doing. So, whatever else comes, you know, kind of down the road, comes. But, this is something that's really worth celebrating."

With Charlie Cox back on the payroll, I think this announcement really is just a matter of time away, but hopefully it happens soon, and hopefully Rosario Dawson doesn’t get into too much trouble for blowing the surprise.

Are you looking forward to seeing Bernthal back as The Punisher? Check out Dawson’s appearance video below, and let us know what you think.

via: ComicBook

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