Scott Glenn Discusses His Character Stick in THE DEFENDERS and How He's a Defender of the Worst Evil — GeekTyrant

Scott Glenn Discusses His Character Stick in THE DEFENDERS and How He's a Defender of the Worst Evil

Scott Glenn plays the character Stick in the Netflix Marvel Universe. It all started with Daredevil, and he reprises his role in The Defenders. Stick has started playing a stronger role in the upcoming series, almost like a Nick Fury type character who leads the crew through his words. In a recent interview, Glenn talks about his character and how his character views what's going on.

For those who don't know, Stick is a member of the Chaste, a secret society who fights the criminal organization, the Hand. But while many of the Defenders, like Daredevil and Iron Fist, have a line they will not cross, namely being that they will not murder people, Stick has no problem killing. Which makes fans wonder if he's a hero or villain. In fact, Stick has issues with Daredevil according to Scott Glenn:

"It's like Daredevil and Elektra are my kids and I essentially adopt them both, trained them to fight. The written problem I have with Daredevil is the one line he won't cross -- taking human life. He'll beat people up horrendously, put them in a hospital, do whatever he has to do but he won't kill people. All I do is kill people. And working with the Chaste, I'm a blind assassin. I'm a defender against the worst evil in the world and my only way of dealing with that is killing people. So it is a gray area kind of thing."

As of whether if Stick is good or bad, he had this to say.

"I don't think of myself as a bad person. But I don't think of myself as a particularly good person either. And the way I work with that is that I'm a soldier in combat in a desperate war and that's the way I have to behave."

This is an interesting role to take on for the show. It seems like a lot of hard decisions will have to be made in this show, and sometimes the best way to view the world is as a battlefield. Check out the full interview below.

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