SECRET LEVEL Episode 14 - The Cockadoodie Madness of Rob Reiner’s MISERY — GeekTyrant

SECRET LEVEL Episode 14 - The Cockadoodie Madness of Rob Reiner’s MISERY

In Episode 14 of Secret Level, we continue to dig into Rob Reiner’s 1990 film adaptation of Stephen King’s Misery! In the first part of our Misery journey, we focused on the horrific hobbling scene.

In this latest episode, we talk about the rest of the cockadoodie movie and share various behind the scenes details about the making of the horror-thriller and we also offer some fun commentary and interesting insight. From Reiner’s Alfred Hitchcock influence to James Caan and Kathy Bates not getting along.

We also talk about the backgrounds of the characters, deleted scenes, and differences between the book and the film. It’s a good and fun conversation about a great and twisted psychological horror film!

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