Shazam Was Supposed to Appear in BLACK ADAM but Dwayne Johnson Shut It Down — GeekTyrant

Shazam Was Supposed to Appear in BLACK ADAM but Dwayne Johnson Shut It Down

A new report has surfaced regarding Dwayne Johnson and how he was handling things at Warner Bros. in regard to the DC Universe. The guy believed that he had all the fixes to the studio’s problem with DC, and while he was developing his Black Adam movie, he was making moves to take over DC. As you might imagine, in the process he ruffled some feathers by going over the heads of executives and he quickly wore out his welcome.

We are now learning from The Wrap that Zachary Levi’s Shazam was originally supposed to appear at the end of Black Adam, and this new round of allegations claims that when Johnson was presented with a Shazam post-credits scene, he shut it down.

In this version of the film, the surviving members of the Justice Society would enlist Shazam to join their team and set the stage for Shazam and Black Adam to face off like they have in the comics. But, Johnson obviously wasn’t interested in sticking with the source material.

As you know, he was dead set on Henry Cavill’s Superman appearing in the film, and he worked hard to get him. But, we all know how that turned out. Zachary Levi confirmed the news by reposting this news on social media with the caption, “The truth shall set you free.”

Including Shazam in Black Adam would have made a lot of sense and it would have also built up a lot more excitement for Shazam! Fury of the Gods. Johnson’s decision to shut out Shazam had a ripple effect and the report speculates that Johnson’s actions might be partly to blame for Shazam! 2’s underwhelming box office performance.

There was also an inside source that offered additional insight into how Johnson sees himself while developing his movie, saying: ”Dwayne tries to sell himself as bigger than the movie. He’s one of the few people who always thinks he’s the most important person in any situation or room.”

Well, that didn’t quite work out for him with Black Adam which was a very disappointing movie. Dwayne Johnson might not be as smart as he thinks he is. Don’t get me wrong, I’m a fan of Johnson, and I enjoy a lot of the films that he makes, but surrounding yourself with “yes men” will lead you down the wrong path.

There was definitely a smarter and better way to handle the Black Adam and Shazam films, and that was to build up to an epic showdown between the two. It’s just simple common sense, but that was thrown out the window by Johnson.

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