SMALLVILLE Creators Reveal What They Would Change About The Series Now — GeekTyrant

SMALLVILLE Creators Reveal What They Would Change About The Series Now

Smallville creators Al Gough and Miles Millar recently did an interview with The Hollywood Reporter and during their conversation, they were asked what they would do differently with Smallville today… if anything. For Gough, he explained that the Clark Kent (Tom Welling) and Lois Lane (Erica Durance) dynamic played out too long and says “something else” should have happened.

“The Clark-Lana thing played out way too long. Something else had to happen there. I think that was one that got a little repetitive. My younger daughter is now, finally after Wednesday, she’s going back to watch Smallville, and she’s in Season 2. She goes, ‘What’s the deal with these two?’ I’m like, ‘It was a different time.’ So, I think there are things there, if we went back, we probably would be a little more adventurous with some of those relationships and bring them to certain heads and let them play out.”

As for Millar, he said he would have done something different with the female characters. He also wanted to do more to give agency to Lois Lane. He also said they originally only wanted a five-season run, but they ended up doing ten.

“We were definitely cautious and just very conscious of the fact we wanted to get to five seasons, and we ended up at 10 seasons, but we’re just like, ‘OK, if we split them apart, what are we gonna do?’ Again, as the father of girls, I think the female characters we would do differently today. I think Lana, her agency was not there. She could have been a much stronger character, and she always felt put in positions of weakness. It’s a different era, a different time. So, that’s something I think we could have done and would definitely look at to do better.”

I recently finished watching the whole Smallville series again and it was incredibly fun to revisit! It had been forever since I watched it, and there was so much that I forgot about it. This was such a good show with some great storytelling and character development. But, it also had lots of weird stuff that was amusing. If you haven’t watched the show in a while you should revisit it!

Also, I wouldn’t really change a thing about the series. Smallville is an awesome product of its time. But if I were to change something, I think there would have been a better way to handle the whole Lex Luther thing after Michael Rosenbaum left the show. Is there anything you would chance about the show?

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