Someone Edited 400 Versions of A CHRISTMAS CAROL Into One Linear Video — GeekTyrant

Someone Edited 400 Versions of A CHRISTMAS CAROL Into One Linear Video

I'm guessing everyone has a favorite version of Charles Dickens' A Christmas Carol. The story has been around for so long, and has been adapted so many times, that I imagine it's one of the best known stories in the country at this point, if not the world. I grew up watching Mickey's Christmas Carol, so that's my personal favorite, but I'd love to hear what your go-to version is in the comments.

In the meantime, though, a madman named Heath Waterman spent a year and a half editing over 400 versions of the story into one linear video, telling the story line by line with different versions for each line. And because the story is so popular, it all works — even when jumping from animation to slash fiction (yup) and cheesy TV episodes. It's really quite something, and an interesting way to lead into Christmas.

So this is one of the stupider things I've done. A little over a year and a half ago I became obsessed with all the various 'A Christmas Carol' adaptations there were.

Via: AV Club

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