Somewhere — Maybe on a Goober — There Are Ten Minutes of Fully Animated SPIDER-MAN: INTO THE SPIDER-VERSE Deleted Scenes — GeekTyrant

Somewhere — Maybe on a Goober — There Are Ten Minutes of Fully Animated SPIDER-MAN: INTO THE SPIDER-VERSE Deleted Scenes

Great news for people who love great news: Unlike the storyboards and animatics* you see packaged as deleted scenes on most animated film DVDs, Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse has fully animated deleted scenes that we will likely get to watch whenever the film makes its way to DVD/Blu-ray/streaming.

Into the Spider-Verse co-director Bob Persichetti told Collider there are at least 10 minutes of fully animated deleted scenes somewhere in the aether:

“[A] rare thing for an animated film is that there’s animation on the cutting room floor. There’s about 10 minutes of that from this movie, which is a really high number. And there’s one scene specifically that was one we all really loved, but the movie just kept pushing it out. It was like a splinter, and you’re body’s like, ‘Nope, you’re not gonna fit there. Get out.'”

On the one hand, this means that there was some less than perfect planning that led to the studios spending a ton of money on unnecessary animation, on the other hand, they can afford it. I am also very curious to know what that scene was.

Persichetti also revealed that the first cut —the workprint — of Into the Spider-Verse clocked in at three hours, which just means that when they edited together every animatic they made in the development of the film, there was a lot of stuff to trim to tell a coherent story.

“The very first cut — the animatic, at that time it had a special name called Cabin Fever — was three hours long. So there was a lot of material that had to be formed and focused onto how it could help support Miles and how it could help not to confuse the audience.”

I don't know, man. When I was a kid they aired like a 17 hour cut of Dances With Wolves on a Sunday night. I bet the Into the Spider-Verse workprint was at least 75% better than that.

I loved Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse, so I am pretty excited to see these ten minutes of footage. I have a feeling my six-year-old is going to be even more excited than I am though. Into the Spider-Verse is the first movie he has asked to see multiple times in theaters.

*This is not a slight against storyboards and animatics. I really like storyboards and animatics.

Via: Slashfilm

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