STAR WARS: EPISODE IX is Bringing on a New Writer For Script Rewrites — GeekTyrant

STAR WARS: EPISODE IX is Bringing on a New Writer For Script Rewrites

British writer Jack Thorne has been tapped to work on the ninth episode of the Star Wars saga that is set to be directed by Colin Trevorrow.

Trevorrow and his writing partner Derek Connolly have been working on the current script but Lucasfilm wanted to bring in a fresh set of eyes. It is unclear how extensive the rewrites will be.

Thorne wrote the upcoming Julia Roberts movie Wonder.

Rian Johnson wrote and directed Star Wars: The Last Jedi that opens December 15th. That movie is in post-production and may also necessitate script changes.

Daisy Ridley, John Boyega, Adam Driver and Oscar Isaac are expected to return – but with everything under such lock and key, you never know who may die in The Last Jedi. Episode IX is looking to begin production in January 2018.

The movie has a release date of May 24, 2019.

Source: THR

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