Stills from HITMAN: AGENT 47 Starring Rupert Friend — GeekTyrant

Stills from HITMAN: AGENT 47 Starring Rupert Friend

I am pretty sure that 2007’s Hitman is the first movie to cause controversy by maybe having visible labia on its poster. That is about the only superlative I can hand to that movie, however. Even Timothy Olyphant, who made even Catch and Release watchable, couldn’t save that one. Fortunately, those who have seen the first trailer for Hitman: Agent 47 — sure to be online any day now — say that it is a definite improvement. The reboot stars Rupert Friend, Zachary Quinto, and Hannah Ware, and it looks like a B movie worth watching. 20th Century Fox has released a few images from the film to pique your interest before the trailer comes out. Friend plays the titular Hitman, Quinto is the chief antagonist, and Ware is a woman who is caught between them somehow. Rumor has it she is a human MacGuffin.

Directed by Aleksander Bach, Hitman: Agent 47 opens in theaters on February 27, 2015.

Source: Screen Rant

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