The Director of ATTACK THE BLOCK, Joe Cornish, Has Met with John Boyega About a Sequel — GeekTyrant

The Director of ATTACK THE BLOCK, Joe Cornish, Has Met with John Boyega About a Sequel

Star Wars star John Boyega got his big break in the incredibly fun 2011 sci-fi action comedy Attack The Block. I loved that film, and it looks like there’s a chance we might actually get a sequel!

Director Joe Cornish recently revealed on the Script Apart Podcast that he has met with Boyega to talk about making the sequel and that they’ve come up with some ideas. He said:

“We've got ideas. I met with John a couple of months ago to talk about it. We've always had ideas after the first one, but obviously we've both been busy doing different things. In a way, the longer you leave it, the more interesting it is. So that's all I'll say.”

Obviously, things are in the super early stages and there’s a long way to go before we would see a sequel hit theaters. But, the fact that the sequel is in the planning stages and that it’s moving forward in some way is kind of exciting!

Boyega’s career has really taken off since then, and while the jobs continue to pile up for him, he seems very keen on returning for an Attack the Block sequel and will probably do everything he can to help make it happen.

Would you like to see an Attack The Block sequel!? Do you have any ideas for how you’d like to see the story for the sequel play out?

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